Sullivan West Central School District
The Sullivan West Central School District is located in the scenic foothills of the Catskill Mountains. The region offers a rural setting just 100 miles from metropolitan New York City. With numerous lakes, woodlands, and over 40 miles of the scenic Upper Delaware River the district offers an abundance of outdoor recreational activities. The local population is equally comprised of families with traditional roots to the area and transplanted urbanites.
Being one of the newest school districts in New York State, the Sullivan West Central School was formed in 1999 via the merger of three smaller central schools. Servicing grades K-12, current enrollment is approximately 1,650 students. By merging, the school is taking advantage of economies of scale to expand course offerings while controlling related expenses. At the same time the district realizes the importance of controlling classroom pupil counts. Currently, the majority of elementary classrooms have 20 students or less.
Secondary students are provided with 7 advanced placement courses and exposure to other college level courses via the local community college. Additionally, a full array of technical and vocational training is offered through the Sullivan County BOCES.
As an institution continually striving for educational enhancement, Sullivan West believes that all students benefit by learning from dedicated teachers playing an active role in child development. Generous parental and community support for the school and its students has always been advantageous to the district. The result of these efforts is supported by recent 4th and 8th grade Math/ELA exams where Sullivan West’s scores are among the best in the mid-Hudson region.